“God Will Hold You Responsible for Your Office” – Huzoor’s Delegates Charge MKAN Executives

The Sadr (National President) of Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya Nigeria (MKAN), Mr. AbdurRoqib Akinyemi, has led the national executives of MKAN in receiving two special delegates from His Holiness, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad (aba), namely Murobbi Rasheed Ahmad sahib and Murobbi Muhammad Anas sahib, both from the Wakeel Tabsheer (Ahmadiyya Foreign Mission), during a meeting held at the headquarters of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at of Nigeria on Friday, January 31st, 2024.

The purpose of the visit was to convey messages from His Holiness and assess the progress of the Majlis. While addressing the gathering, Sadr MKA Nigeria highlighted the organization’s achievements in recent years, outlining its contributions to society and sharing plans for the future.

Following his remarks, the two Naibeen Sadr (Vice Presidents), Mr. Fashina Idris and Mr. Yusuf Ridwanullah, elaborated on the impact of the respective departments they head, emphasizing key initiatives under their supervision. Other national executives also shared updates on their roles, achievements, and strategic plans moving forward.

In his address, Murobbi Rasheed Ahmad sahib conveyed the message of His Holiness, saying to the executives that “holding an office does not mean work is being done, true satisfaction only comes when the work is completed.” He stressed that office bearers should remain diligent and prioritize their responsibilities, quoting Huzoor-e-Anwar that, “God will hold each office holder accountable for their efforts, whether in charge of duties or not.”

He further conveyed the guidance of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Al-Khamis, urging the youth to rise to the challenge of being the backbone of both the Jama’at and the nation. He emphasized Huzoor’s deep connection to Africa, describing it as his second home, and expressed Huzoor’s high expectations for the continent’s progress, particularly through the dedication of its youth.

Concluding his remarks, Murobbi Rasheed Ahmad encouraged MKAN members to intensify their efforts in fulfilling Huzoor’s expectations and serving the Jama’at with utmost devotion.