Nations cannot be reformed without the reformation of the youth.
Our Objectives
Our Departments within MKA
Aitmaad is a central administrative department which operates under the National Motamid (General Secretary for Majlis Khuddam-Ul-Ahmadiyya).
The Aitmaad department assists the National Motamid with his responsibilities.
The purpose of the Amoor-e-Tuluba (student affairs) department is to raise the religious, moral and educational standard of Ahmadi students, especially those in colleges and universities. The department ought to safeguard the students from the present materialistic atmosphere and to direct them to adhere to Islamic spirit and customs.
The Isha’at Department (Publications) is in-charge of dissemination of information on activities of Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya to members and the general public. The department manages all publications of MKA Nigeria. The department also liaises with the media for the coverage of MKA Nigeria activities and programs.
The department of Khidmat-e-Khalq serves the wider community. Khidmat-e-Khalq is hard at work serving the community. The Secretary designs and implements programs to assist in poverty alleviation in the local community, regardless of whether the recipient is a Muslim or not.
The Maal department supervises the monetary affairs of MKA Nigeria. The Maal department reminds us all about the importance of financial sacrifice, and ensures monetary efficiency and collective effort in spreading the message of Islam.
Sanat-o-Tijarat is here to help you develop a lasting and fulfilling career. Sanat-o-Tijarat attempts to eliminate unemployment in the majlis by creating programs to teach learning skills, industry skills, crafts, and trades.

Sehat-e-Jismani is here to make you fit. From organizing sporting events such as MKAN Sport Festivals and Ijtema competitions, to creating new physical fit initiatives, Sehat-e-Jismani will give you the best physical body to hold your spiritual one.
“Every one of you should consider himself a Caller unto God and he will be accountable for this obligation before God. Whatever your profession or job, to whichever country you may belong, YOUR PRIMARY DUTY is to call the world to the GOD OF MUHAMMAD.”
The Taleem department is here to increase your Islamic knowledge. The Mohtamim aims to promote experiences and learning environments that strengthen knowledge of the Holy Qur’an, the Holy Prophet (saw) and the writings of the Promised Messiah and his Khulafa.
The purpose of this department is to ensure that the Tajneed database containing the information of every Khadim is current and maintained. The Mohtamim is responsible for reconciling the enrollment management data and procedures.
The Tarbiyyat department here to make you spiritually fit.The Tarbiyat department encourages Khuddam to increase their practice of Islamic etiquettes such as congregational salat, daily recitation of the Holy Qur’an, reading spiritually uplifting literature, and listening to Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V’s (aba) Friday Sermon.
The Tehrik-e-Jadid department increases awareness and participation in this blessed scheme establish by Hazrat Khalifatul Masih II, may Allah be pleased with him. The Mohtamim is tasked with building awareness of the 25 points of sustainable living, encourage increasing contributions to the scheme and reporting on the developments that occur as a result.

Waqar-e-Amal department is task with inspiring khuddam to engage in teamwork and to work with their hands. To foster this spirit of hands-on and collaborative work, the Mohtamim initiates a project based approach. Mosque, street and alleyway cleaning projects are the staple. However other Waqar-e-Amal activities have included national adopt-a-highway campaigns and most recently tree planting.
Tarbiyyat Nau-Mobaeen department creates a healthy space for Ahmadi Muslim converts who are members of Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya (Ahmadiyya Muslim Youth Association). Through a gradual encouragement and community building process, new members are gradually transitioned into Islamic lifestyle and etiquettes.
The Amoomi department responds to the targeted needs of the majlis as directed by the Sadr. A core goal is proper preparation for natural and other potential disasters. The Mohtamim works to ensure that the majlis is ready and responsive.
Majlis Atfal ul Ahmadiyya was established in 1938 by Hadhrat Khalifatul Massih II (RA). The purpose of MAA is to inculcate the virtues of regularity in daily prayers, hard work, and truthfulness in the youth of Ahmadiyyat. These traits should be part and parcel of every Tifl as he matures into a Khadim.